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If you want a digital proof, please note, your estimated delivery date cannot be confirmed until all artwork has been approved. Artwork must be uploaded by the website, by link www.ontimeprint.wetransfer.com or emailed to artwork@ontimeprint.co.uk before 1pm to guarantee a proof back before our 3pm approval deadline. Missed the deadline? Contact us.
Download Large Format Artwork Guide NOW!

We can only accept and process print-ready files. Please note the following important points:

1. Graphics and images
A resolution of 300 dpi is recommended for images and graphics.
  • Greyscale and colour images - 300 dpi
  • Line images - 1200 dpi
  • Posters - 200 dpi
  • Large format print (incl. all kind of banners, self adhesive film, fabric stands etc)- 150 dpi
2. Colours/Colour mode
Please prepare your files in greyscale or CMYK colour mode.
Please pay extra attention to the spot colours. To prevent stained surface on your product you will need to create the spot colour area as ‘leaving blank’ and NOT as ‘overprinting’, IF another process colour (CMYK) is placed above the spot colour.
3. Special Colours

Special colours must be defined and to do so please indicate the correct name of the colour. To prevent uneven and blotched surfaces, the areas where a different process colour (CMYK) overlaps, the special colour must be left blank and are not to be overprinted.
4. Cut
Always prepare your files in the original format, plus a 3 mm border for the cutting allowance.
Please position your contents far enough from the edge of the final format (approx. 3 mm). When ordering calendars or brochures with spiral binding please position contents at least 15 mm from the side on which the calendar will be bound.
Please position the background graphics and images ending at the edge, right up to the edge of the cutting area.
For brochures with perfect binding, please place the contents of text and important design elements 10 mm away from the sides and do not use images that are page overlapping.
5. Fonts
We recommend that fonts are converted into paths/curves. 
Please fully embed the fonts (if not converted into paths/curves). 
Use a minimum font size of 6 pt.
Please do not use mixed colours (4c) for black texts, but use 100% black regarding the K-channel for black fonts.
6. Lines
Do not use hairlines! (Lines should have a thickness of at least 0.25 mm / 0.75 pt) 
Please do not use frames which are meant to be used as border edging for the original format!
7. UV coating
If you opt for a one-sided UV coating, please pay extra attention to the correct name of your print data according to the selected page, which is finished with UV coating.
Send your print data in multiple documents (one document per page), please name the document unequivocally, e.g. "Job Number, page 1, UV coating". If you send your print data in a single document (one document all pages), then the first page in the document corresponds to the front and the second to the back page.

Rules for creating a UV coating in the artwork.

1. The graphic file must include an additional channel / layer / color called "UV" and it must contain the elements that are to be coated.

2. These elements must be created in 100% of the color (K or Pantone) and be aligned with other printed elements.

3. A project developed with vector graphics provides for the best quality of coating.

If it is essential to use a bitmap, it must be created in 1-bit black and white format 2400dpi.

4. Due to the limitations of screen printing technology, please avoid painting small parts. The thickness of the lines must not be less than 1 point, while the text size – not smaller than 12 points. The colour alignment permissible deviation is 0.5 mm.

5. The project must be saved as a PDF file, in PDF-X: 2004 standard where the UV coating must be placed either directly on the project page as an extra color / layer or on the next page, following the project, e.g. in the double-sided project UV coating should be placed on pages 2 and 4.

8. Saving data
Please use one of the following closed formats: PDF, JPG, TIFF, EPS, PS (PostScript).
If you are creating PDF files directly from the layout program, please use PDF/X standard (PDF/X3 standard or PDF/X1a standard). We recommend you select the additional setting “compatibility 1.3” in order to prevent problems with layers or transparencies.
Multi-page documents which are separated by a fold must be created beside each other in a file, i.e. pre-assembled. (If possible, create the front and back pages in one file). 
Always create bound products (brochures, cd booklets etc.) as individual sides. Save your continuous individual sides in a PDF document (no double pages). Please make sure that individual files are clearly labelled (e.g. Sample Brochure Side 1, Sample Brochure Side 2, ....). The assignment of page numbers is based on the file identification. A sorting based on the page numbers in the file will not be done.
Please lay out brochures with perfect binding as follows:
Inner sides: as consecutive, single sides in one file, beginning with the right side (side 1) and ending with the left side
Cover: in a file with two sides (inside and outside cover) including the spine, allowing for the appropriate spine thickness
Side 1 = outside back cover (C4) + outside spine + outside front cover (C1)
Side 2 = inside front cover (C2) + inside spine + inside back cover (C3)
9. Transferring information
File upload: via the OnTimePrint e-store immediately after the order process, or via the “Upload files” page in your account. 
By e-mail: as an attachment (please state your order number in the subject line) at artwork@ontimeprint.co.uk
By ftp serwer, puttong your order number in Message box-  https://ontimeprint.wetransfer.com/
10. Artwork check

Our automatic preflight check is always included and we will check:
  • if your artwork is provided in a closed and correct file format (PDF, JPG, TIFF, EPS or PS)
  • if the number of pages is correct
  • if your artwork is provided in the correct size
  • if your artwork is pre-assembled in case you have ordered folded leaflets with more than 4 sides
  • if the binding is clear to us in case you have ordered brochures
  • if the perforation lines have been indicated and whether they are possible at all
  • if your artwork is provided as greyscale (if you have ordered one colour printing black)
  • if HKS/Pantone spot colours have been laid out and named correctly (if spot colours were ordered)
  • your artwork will be converted automatically into CMYK if it was created in RGB colour mode or with HKS/Pantone spot colours. Attention: Please note that the conversion can cause colour differences.
  • all fonts are embedded
  • if your artwork is provided in the correct size
    Attention: Should your size differ from the one you have ordered our customer services team will get in contact with you immediately. We might be able to scale it, though.
  • if a bleed of 2 mm has been provided
  • if the correct type of fold has been chosen and if the layout matches the position of the folding lines when ordering folded leaflets (gate fold, letterfold, z-fold, landscape or portrait)
  • if there is enough space between letters/graphic elements and the border (at least 3 mm)
  • if your artwork is provided in CMYK colour mode
    Attention: Our customer service will get in contact with you if your artwork files are not created in CMYK. At your express request we can convert your artwork into CMYK, however this may result in colour deviations.
  • if the image resolution is sufficient (at least 250 dpi, posters at least 200 dpi, line art 1,200 dpi
Our customer services team will contact you immediately via email if your artwork has any of the problems mentioned above. Please note that conversions of size and colour mode will be processed automatically and there will be no information. Furthermore, we will not check if the side sequence of your artwork is correct.
To get more information email us: artwork@ontimeprint.co.uk. 
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